The Head of the Center is Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kateryna Nesterova

The Center aims to ensure internal quality control of education at the International Humanities University.

The activities of the Center are aimed at:

  • Online surveys of students, graduates, employers and teachers.
  • continuous improvement of the educational process in order to provide training for specialists who would meet the requirements of world standards and the needs of the consumer in the labor market.
  • participation in improving educational programs and business processes at IHU.
  • ensuring the principles of academic integrity.
  • training of teachers together with IHU training department.

Recommendations for improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine

Regulations on the Professional Ethics Committee of the International Humanities University

Survey of Higher Education Applicants on the Quality of Organization of Educational Activities in Studying Disciplines

Peculiarities of Supporting and Supporting Educators in the Institute of Law, Economics and International Relations of the International Humanities University

Monitoring results

Contacts of the center: Ukraine, Odessa, str. Fountain Road, 33 rooms. 415

Development strategy of the International Humanities University for 2019-2025

Guidelines for the preparation and defense of qualifications at the International Humanities University

Code of Academic Integrity at the International Humanities University

Regulations on the Professional Ethics Committee of the International Humanities University

Regulations on advanced training of scientific and pedagogical staff

Provisions on the individual curriculum of higher education applicants

Regulations on the International Humanities University IPEMV Employer Relations Center

Provisions on the procedure and conditions for selection by students of elective subjects at the International Humanities University

Provisions on the procedure for deduction, interruption of studies, renewal and transfer of persons studying at the International Humanities University

Regulations on the procedure for recalculating the results of studies at the International Humanities University

Provisions on accessibility and support for persons with special educational needs and other low-mobility groups at the International Humanities University

Regulations on the Academic Council of the International Humanities University

Provisions of the International Humanities University International Educational Programs Educational and Scientific Center

Regulations on the organization of the educational process at the International Humanities University

Provisions on the Procedure for Exercising the Right to Academic Mobility of Higher Education Applicants for International Humanities University

Provisions on Academic Integrity at the International Humanities University

Provisions on the certification of higher education applicants and the organization of work of examination committees of the International Humanities University

Regulations on the work of the curators of the academic groups of the International Humanities University

Regulations on the internal quality assurance system of education at the International Humanities University

Regulations on the practice of students of higher educational establishments of Ukraine

Regulations on the Educational and Scientific Center for International Educational Programs of the International Humanities University

Student Self-Government Regulations of the International Humanities University 

Regulations on the Institute of Law, Economics and International Relations of the International Humanities University

Draft National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021/b>

EU Recommendation on Learning Competences

Draft Law on Higher Education (revised)

Regulations on state higher education