1. General provisions
1.1. The Scientific Board is a collegiate governing body of the International Humanitarian University (henceforward referred to as the University) and is formed for a term of five years, the members of which are approved by the order of the Head of the University within five working days from the powers expiration of the previous staff of the Scientific Board.
1.2. The Scientific Board is one of the main components in the system of activity of the University. Through collective discussion, The Scientific Board makes decisions on topical issues of the University's current, prospective work, and ensures the functioning of the University as an integrated multifunctional, multidisciplinary educational system.
1.3. In its activity, the Scientific Board of the University is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Higher Education”, “On Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activities”, regulatory legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers, international legal acts and obligations of Ukraine, other legal acts on higher education and science, the Charter of the University and the given Regulations.
2. The main functions of the Scientific Board of the University
2.1. Scientific Board of the University:
1) determines the strategy and perspective directions of development of educational, scientific and innovative activity of the higher education institution;
2) develops and sends to the higher collegial body of public bodies the draft Charter of the higher education institution, as well as the decision on making amendments and additions to it;
3) approves the financial plan and the annual financial report of the higher education institution;
4) defines the system and approves internal quality assurance procedures for higher education;
5) makes the decision on placement of funds in banking institutions;
6) makes decisions on the formation, reorganization and elimination of structural units upon submission of the Head of the higher education institution;
7) elects by secret ballot to the positions of deans, department heads, professors and associate professors, library director, branch managers;
8) approves educational programmes and curricula for each level of higher education and specialty;
9) makes decisions on the organization of the educational process, determines the terms of studying at the appropriate levels;
10) approves the sample and the procedure for producing its own higher education document, the provisions on the procedure and the grounds for its issuance to the graduates, as well as the samples, the procedure for the production, the procedure and the grounds for the issuance of joint and double diplomas;
11) approves the main directions of research and innovation activity;
12) evaluates the scientific and pedagogical activity of the structural units;
13) assigns academic titles of professors, associate professors and submits relevant decisions for approval to the certification body of the central body of executive power in the field of education and science; approves the decision of the certification committee;
14) makes final decisions on recognition of foreign documents on higher education, scientific degrees and academic titles when recruiting the pedagogical, scientific, scientific-pedagogical and other employees, as well as during the admission of applicants for training;
15) has the right to file a motion to withdraw the Head of the higher education institution on the grounds stipulated by law, the Charter of the higher education institution or a contract that is considered by the higher collegiate body of public self-government of the higher education institution;
16) makes the decision to open postgraduate and doctoral studies as well as to enroll in postgraduate and doctoral studies;
17) approves dissertation themes and individual plans for postgraduate and doctoral students;
18) make decisions on the organization of specialized councils for the defence of theses for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences;
19) approves the main provisions governing the work of the University;
20) creates commissions for studying and preparation of separate issues, which are submitted to the Scientific Board;
21) approves the symbols of the University;
22) elects, in due course, honorary professors, honorary doctors, lecturers and staff of the University.
23) considers other issues of activity of the University in accordance with the legislation on higher education and the Charter of the University.
3. Structure and procedure of formation of the Scientific Board of the University
3.1. The formation of the new Academic Board membership is to be commenced no later than 30 days before the final term of the previous Board’s power has expired.
3.2. The Scientific Board of the University is headed by its Chairman, who is elected by secret ballot, taking into account the proposals of the Founders from among the members of the Scientific Board who hold a scientific degree and / or academic (honorary) title, for the term of the Scientific Board’s functioning.
3.3. The members of the Scientific Board of the higher education institution are:
- by positions: Head of the University, deputy heads, scientific secretary, library director, chief accountant, heads of self-government bodies and elected bodies of primary trade union organizations of employees of the higher education institution;
- elected representatives representing scientific, scientific and pedagogical staff members who are elected from among the heads of departments, professors, Philosophy doctors, doctors of sciences; elected representatives who represent other employees of the higher education institution and who work there on a full-time basis; elected representatives of graduate students, doctoral students, attendants, trainee assistants; heads of student self-government bodies of the higher education institution.
The elected representatives are nominated and elected according to the procedure and in accordance with the quotas set by the University Charter.
3.4. The number of members of the Scientific Board depends on the number of full-time employees and constitutes at least 10% of the total number of persons employed at the University on a full-time basis.
3.5. According to the decision of the Scientific Board, it may also include representatives of employers' organizations and graduates of the University. At the same time, not less than 75 % of the Scientific Board should consist of scientific, scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher education institution and at least 10 % should be elected representatives from among students.
3.6. Elected representatives who are employees of the higher education institutions are elected by the higher collegial body of public self-government of the higher education institution on the submission of the structural units in which they work, and elected representatives from among students are elected by students through direct secret elections.
3.7. Elections to the Scientific Board membership begin 30 calendar days before the powers expiration of the previous staff of the Scientific Board.
4. Organization of the Scientific Board
4.1. Meetings of the Scientific Board of the University are held in accordance with the approved Plan of work for the calendar year. The work plan is drawn up on the basis of proposals by the members of the Scientific Board, approved by the Scientific Board and its Chairman.
An unscheduled meeting of the Scientific Board is held to resolve urgent issues.
4.2. A meeting of the Scientific Board is considered valid if at least 2/3 of the Scientific Board members take part in its work. Decisions on all matters are taken by a majority vote, with the exception of p. 13 paragraph 2.1 of this Regulation. The decision under p. 13 paragraph 2.1 is considered adopted if at least 3/4 of the Scientific Board members present voted for it.
4.3. The meeting of the Scientific Board shall be formulated by the minutes of the meeting, which shall be signed by the Chairman of the Scientific Board and the Scientific Secretary.
4.4. The decisions of the Scientific Board shall be enforced by orders of the Head of the University.
4.5. The implementation of the Scientific Board's decisions is the responsibility of the heads of the structural units of the University, unless otherwise provided by the Scientific Board's decisions.
4.6. Control over the implementation of the Scientific Board’s decisions is usually the responsibility of the Head of the University, or his Deputies, in accordance with their functional responsibilities.
5. Final Provisions
5.1. This Regulation shall enter into force upon its approval by the Scientific Board of the University.